The interface between technology and user

The controller is the interface between the operator and the sensor.

The controller is the interface between the operator and the sensor.
The controller is the interface between the operator and the sensor. As evaluation unit it provides a visualization of the process data, manages the data sets to calculate the concentration value and allows the calibration and adjustment of measuring data.


The high-resolution touch screen provides best technical comfort and a virtual keyboard, including Latin, Asian and Cyrillic characters. A real time chart shows the trends and provides quick and clear information about the current process cycle, while the menu and display functions are clearly laid out. The user interface is intuitive and simple to use. Password-protected user administration and a stable, comprehensive data memory for all process values and events ensure the traceability, reliability and safety of the system.

Various digital interface options allow simple device integration in any control system. Moreover, via a browser connection, the controller can be operated with a PC or tablet.
  • newest microprocessor technology, with high resolution TFT touch screen for comfortable operation and best view under any light condition
  • front side IP65 protection degree, optional rack mounted or with additional field enclosure
  • 4...20 mA I/O, relay contacts, fail safe contacts as well as TCP/IP and fieldbus interfaces
  • Ethernet, serial interface and USB port
  • 2 GB SSD data memory for stable record of measuring values and event tracking
  • multi-channel real time chart
  • multi-lingual user interface and virtual keyboard, including Latin, Asian and Cyrillic characters
  • user-defined password codes for various levels of system access security
  • SonicGraph® (direct view of the high frequency sonic signal) for optimization of the measuring conditions (e.g. gas bubbles)
  • reading out of the data and event storage
  • reading out of the data sheets and reports
  • management of various product data sets
  • calculation and upload of self-made product data sets by the user
  • secure remote control of the controller via browser with PC or tablet


Clear Display Layout

The main view of the controller offers a fast overview of the current product, its measured value and the liquids temperature at the measuring point.
The limit value display in the left screen area enables a rapid recognition of deviations to the desired measuring range. If a limit is exceeded, the pin showing the current value will turn its color into red.


Chart View

The trend chart offers helpful information and allows optimum process monitoring.


Product Data Set Management

The controller manages the data sets of up to 32 products or optional a maximum of 99 products. It is possible to select the products via the specific menu. Using the virtual keyboard the product name can be changed.



The calculation of the concentration can be adjusted to achieve optimum process results.


Userfriendly Menu

The controller has a lot of parameters and helpful functions. The parameters are structured in a parameter tree.


Event-Logbook and Alarm Messages

The device has an automatic self-check. All alarm messages are shown clearly in the display and are stored in the event-logbook. The logbook is presented on the display and can be transferred using the USB port. For example, the event-logbook tracks which user has when calibrated which product with what value.


User Administration

The system security is very important. The controller has a comfortable user administration. It is possible to define several users with different access authorizations. This user management ensures that only specific users are able to calibrate the device.



The sensor option SonicGraph® allows the visualization of the original ultrasonic signal. This function is very helpful to optimize the measuring conditions, for example influenced by gas bubbles.



The controller allows the operation in several languages, and text inputs are possible in Latin, Asian and Cyrillic characters.
Provided languages:
German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Polish

Multi Measuring Points

The Controller 30 includes the possibility to manage up to 4 sensors. The values of several sensors are presented in the 2- or 4-sensor view.


Multi-Component Display

The Controller 40 calculates and displays two different concentrations in a 3-component-liquid.



The following types of controllers are available:

Feature C20 C30 C40
number of sensors for one controller 1 4 1
application program crystallization      
application program polymerization      
display touch touch touch
housing metal metal metal
trend chart  
product datasets 16 99 99
product selection internal / external
editing of product identifiers  
several operation languages
data memory with 30,000 data lines  
event logbook  
user management   optional optional
SonicGraph® optional optional optional
analogue output of concentration
analogue output of temperature
analogue outputs 2 4 4
analogue inputs 1 4 4
digital outputs 2 6 6
serial interface
USB port
Ethernet interface optional optional optional
fieldbus interface, Profibus, Modbus and TCP optional optional optional

Controller types

Types Features
Controller 40 The controller 40 is used for the analysis of multi-component blends (lye-salt-water, acid-salt-water) especially in gas scrubber and neutralization applications.
Controller 30 The controller 30 is equipped with a powerful sensor interface. This enables the communication and power supply of up to four sensors. This This allows the realization of budget-optimized solutions for multi point measurements.
Controller 20 The controller 20 is an economical unit and ideal for cost-conscious end-users. This controller has reduced equipment and can interface with only one sensor.

Controller accessories

The controller is designed for rack-mounted systems. Alternatively the controller is available with a 19“housing 4HU.

In order to mount the controller into the field, field housings made of plastics, stainless steel or with explosion-proof can be delivered, which meet on-site conditions in an optimal way.


Setting standards
in liquid analysis.

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