Quality monitoring in breweries and beverage production

The system consists of one or more intelligent sensors and one controller which are connected with each other by a digital line of almost any length. Investments costs are comparatively low, in particular, for a maximum of four sensors combined with only one controller suited for almost any distance between the individual measuring points.

Using high advanced sonic velocity in a unique sensor design the system allows control and monitoring of concentrations at different points of the brewing process as well as in the beverage production.

Applications in breweries

In outlet of the lauter tun or the mash filter LiquiSonic® Plato is used:

  • to control the lautering / mash filtering process,
  • for accurate determination of the sparge water point,
  • to determine the averaged extract content (initial extract in the wort boiler) directly by combining with a flow meter (EXtrACT-Totalizer).

Due to the complexity of the lautering process the results can be very different from brew to brew. The use of LiquiSonic® Plato eliminates such fluctuations and stabilizes the results on the highest possible level. 


Case study about the use of LiquiSonic® to measure the wort concentration at the lauter tun of the Warsteiner brewery, journal "Brauwelt International". 
Inline measurement of the wort concentration on the lauter tun​​​​​​​

In the wort boiler LiquiSonic® Plato is used to:

  • control the extract concentration during the complete boiling process,
  • determine precisely the final wort concentration to minimize the steam utilization.

As a continuously measuring inline system not requiring any bypass, LiquiSonic® Plato is easy to install and completely maintenance-free.
For internal boilers a sensor is provided, which can be directly installed in the boiler. This sensor is of a special design minimizing the impact of deposits. Moreover, the sensor is available with increased immersion length and can be equipped with a cleaning head. 
For external boilers the sensor is directly installed within the circulation pipe between the wort supply pump and the heat exchanger.

In the wort cooler LiquiSonic® Plato is used to:

  • separate reliably wort and water in case of rinsing processes,
  • check the original gravity content before pitching yeast.

The installation of LiquiSonic® Plato is done aseptic and bypass-free in the wort run-off system.
In addition, LiquiSonic® Plato monitors the cooling temperature via two integrated Pt1000 temperature detectors.

SensoTech is a member of the German Master Brewer Association, national committee Saxony.


Setting standards
in liquid analysis.

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